The iACCESS HOMES Team wants your home to sell in a reasonable time period and you keep the most EQUITY possible. We show you all your estimated costs to sell and what you will net at the close of escrow. That’s called a Seller’s Net Sheet.
Our Proven sales plan has worked for over 40 years and we have sold thousands of homes in the Inland Empire. We save home sellers thousands of dollars in just commissions.
EXAMPLE: Our 1% listing commission on a $500,000 home is only $5,000. Most traditional agents charge 2-3 % or $10,000-$15,000 just for the listing side. That equals a $5,000 to $10,000 savings just on the listing side plus saving you another 1% -2 % on the sales side we could save you a total of 4% maximum to 3% minimum WHICH IS:
Potential savings of $15,000-$20,000 on your sale…. You keep that money instead of giving it away…Contact us to get Answers and more information or watch the video.